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Last Updated: 17 September 2023


By using or accessing Reece.AI ("Website", "we", "our", "us", "I", and/or "me"), you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to be bound by the terms outlined in this disclaimer.

Artificial Intelligence in Content Creation

Content available on this Website often has been generated or enhanced using artificial intelligence tools and technologies. While these AI tools offer powerful capabilities, they are not infallible. The content they produce is designed to be informational but is not guaranteed to be 100% accurate or free from errors.

Human Curation

All content in the form of imagery, code, or other assets is curated and refined by human eyes before being published on the Website. I strive for accuracy and completeness in all aspects, although I cannot guarantee that the content will always be error-free or up-to-date

Imagery and Redistribution Rights

Unless otherwise stated, all imagery on the Website is generated using AI technologies and is free for users to download, copy, and redistribute. I encourage the use of these images but cannot be held responsible for any misuse or consequences arising from their use.

Human and AI Collaboration in Writing

While the posts and articles have been primarily written by a human, artificial intelligence is often employed to help flesh out concepts, provide more detailed information, and offer additional perspectives. Despite this collaboration, the human touch ensures that the content aligns with the Website's mission and standards.

Personal Opinions

All opinions expressed on the Website are my own and do not reflect the views or policies of my employer or any of my clients. Content should not be taken as professional advice, and any actions you take based on information from this Website are strictly at your own risk.

Signed: Ryan T. Reece
Date: 17 September 2023


For any questions regarding this disclaimer, please contact me on GitHub or X.