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HSRP (Hot Standby Router Protocol) is a Cisco proprietary redundancy protocol designed to allow for transparent failover of a first-hop IPv4 router. HSRP ensures that traffic continues to flow even if the currently active router fails, by automatically redirecting traffic to a standby router. It is widely used in local area network (LAN) environments to ensure high availability and reliability of network connections.

How it Works

  • Virtual Router: HSRP creates a virtual router, which is a logical representation of one or more physical routers acting as a single default gateway for hosts on the network. This virtual router is assigned a virtual IP address and a virtual MAC address, which are used by client machines on the LAN.

  • Active and Standby Routers: Within an HSRP group, one router is elected as the Active router, and another is chosen as the Standby router. The Active router is responsible for forwarding traffic, while the Standby router takes over if the Active router fails or becomes unavailable.

  • Heartbeats: Routers in an HSRP group send periodic messages (hello messages) to each other to communicate their status. These messages help in the election process of the Active and Standby routers and enable the Standby router to quickly take over in case of a failure.

  • Priority System: Each router in the HSRP group is configured with a priority value. The router with the highest priority becomes the Active router. In the event of a tie, the router with the highest IP address wins the election.

Usage in Networking

  1. Fault Tolerance: HSRP is primarily used to provide fault-tolerant default gateway services in a network, minimizing the impact of router failures on end-users.

  2. Load Sharing: Although not its primary use, HSRP can be configured for basic load sharing by setting up multiple HSRP groups and dividing the client traffic among different virtual routers.

  3. Simplified Network Management: By presenting a single virtual default gateway to the hosts, HSRP simplifies the network configuration and management, as changes to the active routing device do not require reconfiguration of each host.

Configuration Example

A simple HSRP setup involves configuring two routers to be part of the same HSRP group and setting one as the Active router and the other as the Standby router. Here's a basic configuration snippet for Cisco routers:

Router1 (Active Router):
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
ip address
standby 1 ip
standby 1 priority 110
standby 1 preempt

Router2 (Standby Router):
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
ip address
standby 1 ip
standby 1 priority 100
standby 1 preempt

In this example, both routers are configured in the same HSRP group (standby 1), with the virtual IP address set to Router1 has a higher priority and is configured to preempt, meaning it will take back the role of the Active router if it recovers from a failure.


HSRP plays a critical role in ensuring network resilience and reliability, particularly in environments where network uptime is crucial. By providing a mechanism for router redundancy, HSRP helps maintain continuous network service in the face of hardware failures, configuration changes, or other disruptions.