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Nmap (Network Mapper) is a powerful and versatile tool used for network discovery and security auditing. It's primarily used for:

  1. Network Inventory: Discovering devices connected to a network.
  2. Service Upgrade Schedules: Identifying what services (and their versions) are running on network devices.
  3. Network Mapping: Mapping out network topologies, understanding what hosts are available.
  4. Security Auditing: Identifying potential vulnerabilities in network devices and services.
  5. Monitoring Host or Service Uptime: Checking the availability of servers and services.

How Nmap Works

Nmap sends specially crafted packets to target hosts and then analyzes the responses to draw conclusions about the hosts and the services they are running.

  1. Host Discovery: Nmap can identify active devices on a network. It sends various types of packets (like ICMP Echo Request, TCP SYN to port 443, TCP ACK to port 80, etc.) and waits for responses to discover hosts.

  2. Port Scanning: One of the primary uses of Nmap. It determines which ports are open on a target host. Open ports indicate active services that could be probed further for vulnerabilities.

  3. Service Version Detection: By sending packets to open ports, Nmap can often determine what service and version is running on each open port.

  4. Operating System Detection: Based on peculiarities in how different OSes respond to certain network requests, Nmap can often predict the operating system of a target host.

  5. Scriptable Interaction with Target: Nmap includes a scripting engine called Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) that allows users to write (or use existing) scripts to automate a wide variety of networking tasks.

Types of Scans

  • TCP Connect Scan: Attempts to establish a full TCP connection with the target (SYN -> SYN/ACK -> ACK).
  • SYN Scan (Stealth Scan): Sends a TCP SYN packet and analyzes the response, but does not establish a full TCP connection.
  • UDP Scan: Sends UDP packets to the target's ports to determine if there is an active service.
  • ACK Scan: Useful for mapping out firewall rule sets.


1. Basic Host Discovery:

  • Command: nmap -sn
  • Purpose: This scan discovers hosts in the network without scanning the ports. It's useful for quickly identifying active devices on your network.
  • Explanation: The -sn flag tells Nmap to perform a ping scan (skip port scan).

2. Scanning Specific Ports:

  • Command: nmap -p 22,80,443
  • Purpose: Scans for open ports 22 (SSH), 80 (HTTP), and 443 (HTTPS) on the target machine.
  • Explanation: The -p option specifies the ports to scan. This is helpful for checking the status of common ports on a particular device.

3. Scanning Using TCP SYN Scan (Stealth Scan):

  • Command: nmap -sS
  • Purpose: Executes a stealthy scan to check for open ports without establishing a full TCP connection.
  • Explanation: -sS initiates a SYN scan, which is less likely to be logged by the target system’s firewall. This type of scan is faster and less obtrusive but requires root privileges.

4. Detecting OS and Service Version:

  • Command: nmap -A
  • Purpose: Detects the operating system, service versions, and other characteristics of the target host.
  • Explanation: The -A flag enables OS detection, version detection, script scanning, and traceroute, providing a comprehensive overview of the target.

5. Aggressive Scan with More Output:

  • Command: nmap -T4 -A -v
  • Purpose: Performs a faster aggressive scan with verbose output.
  • Explanation: -T4 adjusts the timing template for faster execution, -A is for aggressive scanning, and -v increases verbosity.

6. Scanning an Entire Subnet:

  • Command: nmap
  • Purpose: Scans all IPs in the to range.
  • Explanation: Useful for a comprehensive scan of a local network.

7. Scan for Vulnerabilities:

  • Command: nmap --script=vuln
  • Purpose: Checks for vulnerabilities on the target host.
  • Explanation: The --script=vuln option tells Nmap to use scripts that specifically check for vulnerabilities. It's useful for security auditing.

8. Scanning for UDP Services:

  • Command: nmap -sU -p 123,161,162
  • Purpose: Scans for open UDP ports, particularly common ones like 123 (NTP), 161/162 (SNMP).
  • Explanation: -sU is for UDP scanning, and -p specifies the ports. UDP scanning is generally slower but crucial for a complete network audit.

9. Saving Output to a File:

  • Command: nmap -oN output.txt
  • Purpose: Saves the scan results to a file.
  • Explanation: -oN specifies normal output to the given file, useful for documentation or further analysis.


Nmap's functionality makes it an essential tool for network administrators and security professionals. Its ability to perform various types of scans and leverage scripts for customized tasks allows for detailed network analysis and security assessments. However, it's crucial to use Nmap ethically and legally, typically only on networks and systems you own or have explicit permission to test. Misuse of Nmap can lead to legal consequences and ethical issues.