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mtr (My Traceroute) combines the functionality of the traceroute and ping programs in a single network diagnostic tool. It provides a continuously updated display of the route packets take to a specified network destination and the response times of these hops.


  1. Network Diagnostics: mtr is used for diagnosing network connectivity issues. It helps in identifying packet loss and delays in the network path.

  2. Route Visualization: It displays the route taken by packets across the network and shows the time taken at each hop, making it easier to pinpoint where problems are occurring.

  3. Performance Analysis: Continuous monitoring of the route with mtr helps in analyzing the network performance over time.

  4. Troubleshooting: Network administrators use mtr for troubleshooting network problems, such as slow speeds or connection failures.

How it Works

  • Combining Traceroute and Ping: mtr sends a sequence of packets to a specified destination. At each hop in the network path, it records the address and response time. Unlike traceroute, mtr does this continuously, providing real-time feedback on the state of each part of the path.

  • Dynamic Update: The output is dynamically updated as it receives more responses, providing a live view of the network path.

  • Data Presentation: mtr displays a list of hops, the number of packets sent, and statistics on packet loss and response times.


  1. Command Syntax: The basic usage of mtr is quite simple. For example:

    mtr [destination]

    Here, [destination] can be either an IP address or a hostname.

  2. Reading the Output: The output includes the list of hops (routers) on the path, packet loss percentage, and average round-trip time (RTT) to each hop.


  1. Network Troubleshooting: mtr is widely used by network administrators and engineers for troubleshooting and diagnosing network issues.

  2. Performance Monitoring: It helps in monitoring the network performance, especially in identifying latency issues and packet loss over the network.

  3. ISP and Data Center Operations: ISPs and data center operators use mtr to ensure optimal routing and to diagnose issues in customer connectivity.


mtr is a powerful, real-time network diagnostic tool that is invaluable for network administrators and IT professionals. It provides a more dynamic and continuous view of the path that packets take through the network compared to traditional tools like traceroute and ping, making it a go-to solution for network troubleshooting and performance analysis.